ursin sky replacement

We will replace the sky from window view and interior photos with our collection of sky stock identified by different types and tones.

The standard for most exterior styles is “Operators Choice”, meaning: Our operators will choose the type of sky and the tone that would be the best choice for an image.

You can also use keywords to dictate the sky you want but it’s not highly recommended as we can not guarantee your chosen type or tone will work well with the photos.

Keywords for sky tone: “Bright”, “Medium”, “Deep” and “Heavy”  

Keywords for sky type: “*Dotted Skies”, “*Clear Skies” and “*Light Cloud Cover” 

Below, you will find a representation our skies classification and contact-sheets of some of the actual stock.

Note: The brightness, depth and cut of the sky will be adjusted in the process of adding to the image. The thumbnails here are all displayed in their “raw” deep look.


Day Sky Tones




Evening Sky Tones

Bright – Medium – Deep

Evening Sky Tones

Bright – Medium – Deep

Evening Sky Tones

Bright – Medium – Deep


*Click on the thumbnail for bigger image*


Dotted Sky


Clear Sky


Light Cloud Cover


Evening Sky


Twilight Sky